This includes different OSs, such as macOS, iOS, Windows or Android, as well as multiple public clouds and hybrid environments. Standardized Patching Process Across Environments: Cloud, On-Premise and Heterogeneous OSsĪ patch management platform should have the ability to define and execute a unified patching process regardless of the environment in which the patches are being deployed. A good patch management software should have an up-to-the-minute dashboard that shows patching compliance across all the organization’s endpoints, and their compliance with regulatory requirements or the organizations’ own policies. IT, DevOps and the CISO need to know where they stand right now with potential vulnerabilities. Thus, a modern patch management platform should handle all patch management tasks across all environments with a single, visual user interface. The modern enterprise has thousands of servers, numerous server groups, OSs and endpoints of many kinds, such as desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. 15 Patch Management Checklist: What Next? Centralized Patch Management Through a UI